
講些事,大差不差對著者言是不用的。但我看,須得講,講清楚,起碼去講到底不負讀者的期望與尊重。必須講,講明白,表示,到底還以(huan;yi)其尊重與期望。It is not necessary for the author to say something, which is not bad. However, in my opinion, we must speak clearly, at least to live up to the expectations and respect of readers. We must speak, speak clearly, and express our respect and expectations in the end.

寫著作考慮的並非是為了自已,應在意的是讀者們的感受以及愉悅,而單純為了生活去推廣,也沒有錯,但忘了要點,你終不能為此寫好,做好。Writing works is not for yourself, but for readers' feelings and pleasure. There is nothing wrong with promoting them simply for life, but if you forget the main points, you can't write well and do well.

對於文章我是這樣覺得,過少的介紹,反而敷衍,過多解釋,反而讓文章死板呆木,缺乏生機,枯燥乏味,藻荇交橫,所以長話短說,短話儘可能不說,因此我常保持著沉默,保持著傾聽,儘量寡言,沉默是金。In my opinion, too little introduction is perfunctory and too much explanation, which makes the article rigid, lifeless, dull and boring. So keep the long story short, keep the short story as quiet as possible, so I often keep silent, keep listening, try to keep quiet, silence is golden.


A gentleman should be concise in his words.

寫文章嘛,就是講話,站著會講,坐著會寫。Writing articles, that is, talking, standing can talk, sitting can write.

講話嘛,就是要大方得體,整整齊齊的簡潔準確且明瞭。Speech, is to be generous and appropriate, neat concise and accurate and clear.


Travel ten thousand miles to seek.


故事既已開篇。The story has already begun.

故此,諸君是否想過,等待的後果,將是失去與無措?錯過畢竟終究是過去分詞。Therefore, have you ever thought that the consequences of waiting will be loss and helplessness? After all, missing is the past participle.

如果你因錯過太陽而流淚,那麼你也將錯過群星。If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you will also miss the stars.

我個人理解倒是還是這樣的:既已失去,何必講過去式,再怎麼的去在意.終究會,曇花一現,把握與珍惜當下才是你所擁有的財富,不能因為疏忽,卻把這份彩禮轉手倒賣,不然時間也將為此失去。My personal understanding is still like this: since it has been lost, why talk about the past tense, and how to care. In the end, it will flash in the pan, grasping and cherishing the present is the wealth you have. Can not because of negligence, but this bride price resale, or time will be lost.

其實群星和太陽都是一樣的 ,都是恆星。In fact, the stars and the sun are the same, are stars.

詩與遠方。Poetry and distance.

誰問蒼茫,沉浮如許。Who asks the vast, the ups and downs such as Xu.

為有犧牲多壯志,敢叫日月換新天。How ambitious to sacrifice, dare to call the sun and the moon for a new day.

風流無數,今朝如屬。There are countless winds and currents, such as belong to this day.

主角與配角誰可獨領風騷,獨佔鰲頭?Who is the leading actor or supporting actor?

序章完,正式內容從現在開始。After the preface, the formal content begins now.

Volume one, chapter one. \"No one cares about it\" 第一卷,第一章。“竟無人問津”












