
君子言辭,應簡明扼要。A gentleman should be concise in his words.

本章是如此 ,他們也是如此,何況是我。


先提首詩作樂。Let's start with a poem.

《兮天亡矣,當先我逝》稱漁翁,名家長,自拘正,號翁派居士。今看英雄往昔倒算人物。倒海翻江攪海,弄潮兒豈不知。人間沒個並刀,問天三罪豈不知天公作事不言公理。兮死亡矣,朝烈烈士。年宰萬宰,當為我誓。花時更替,忿然救國。知其不幸,何其有幸。盛世之夏,看盡芳華。風流無數,今朝如屬。\"Oh! Heaven dies, when I die first,\" said the fisherman, the name of the parents, self-detention, Weng sent a householder. Look at heroes today and count people in the past. Overturn the sea, overturn the river and stir the sea; Do you not know the tide? There is no one in the world and knife, ask heaven three crimes do not know that heaven does not speak justice. Oh, dead men, martyrs of the day. Slay Wan Zai, swear for me. Flowers change, anger saves the country. How fortunate it is to know its misfortune. The summer of the prosperous times, see all the fragrant flowers. There are countless winds and currents, such as belong to this day.

End of the poem本詩結束。

兮死亡矣。Oh, death.

Just keep reading, copy and blend in罷了,繼續閱讀,抄襲並融會貫通

寫墓誌銘Write an epitaph

天有不測風雲,人有旦夕禍福。Storms gather without warning and misfortune befalls men overnight.

三罪惡名,兮死亡矣。Three crimes are infamous, oh! Death.

Serving middleman with contraband. Finally, I really understand that the feeling of ranking is my tombstone.伺候中夾帶著私貨。終於的確明白到位,列位的感受就是我的墓碑。

革命尚未成功,同志仍需努力,發家致富奔赴仍需任重而道遠。沒錢什麼都辦不了。The revolution has not yet succeeded, comrades still need to work hard, and there is still a long way to go to make a fortune. You can't do anything without money.



Just think simple, generous and decent, but forget that there is so much nonsense.單想著簡潔大方得體,卻忘了廢話真多。


無人問津,問津無人No one cares, no one cares。


繼續瞎編。Keep making that up.

我還以為世間再無如此無趣之人……I thought there was no such boring person in the world...

Fisherman night beside, detention correct words.漁翁夜傍,拘正言辭。


取其精華去其糟粕,我表示很無語。Take its essence to its dross, I said very speechless.

寫文章嘛,就是講話,站著會講,坐著會寫,講話嘛,就是要大方得體,整整齊齊的簡潔準確且明瞭。Writing articles, is to speak, standing can speak, sitting can write, speech, is to be generous and decent, neat concise and accurate and clear.

一味追求完美到形成習慣,反而不太像話。失誤倒算是人之常情,沒意思就少了點人情味兒,要想寫好文章,錯誤是不可避免的。要是句句斟酌,句句珠璣,那豈不是呆木板凳。Blindly pursuing perfection to form a habit, but it is not very decent. It is human nature to make mistakes. If you want to write a good article, mistakes are inevitable. If every sentence is considered and every sentence is well-balanced, it is not a wooden bench.

To live is not perfect. To live perfectly is to accept the facts. This is the case with articles and speeches. If a person wants to live in society, and if you succeed, you have to deal with all kinds of problems and meet all kinds of people. If you insist on this, it will be frustrated. Books are supposed to please people. Why be frustrated by imperfection... Young Qi blood is so, middle-aged calm is so, Alzheimer's naughty is so, Ann can break the eyebrow and waist dignitaries. Make me not happy face! I cannot rest, oh! I cannot eat, oh!活在世,就不完美,接受事實,才能活得完美,文章是如此,講話也是如此,一個人身處社會中,如若要生存,並且取得成功的話,就需處理一切問題,會見各種不一的人,如若堅持這樣反倒受挫,著作本是取悅於人,何必因不完美而受挫……年輕氣血是如此,中年沉穩是如此,老年痴呆頑皮亦是如此,安能摧眉折腰事權貴。使我不得開心顏!使我不能息兮!使我不能餐兮!?

Travel thousands of miles to seek true knowledge, read thousands of books Ren heavy distance.行萬里路求真知,讀萬卷書任重遠。

讀萬卷書,行萬里路。Read ten thousand books and travel ten thousand miles.

路途坎坎,路雖遠,行則將至;事雖難,做則必成。文字嘈嘈,文章昭昭。Although the road is far, the journey will come; though the thing is difficult, it will be done. Words are noisy, articles are clear.





2024·4·17. 回來更新。上野。

可嘆如今書生們張口經典,閉口古訓,整日忙碌於筆硯之間,我看這些人恐怕只會數黑論黃,舞文弄墨而已,國家大忌,社稷安危,必須要靠有主謀的人,而並非那些誇大其詞,無理狡辯之徒,那些以虛榮自欺且欺人者做以立殘自以為無人可及著,而臨危應變且百無一能著,此成為天下恥笑兒。Alas, nowadays, scholars open their mouths to the classics and keep their mouths closed to the ancient precepts. They are busy all day with their pens and inkstones. I am afraid that these people can only count black and talk about yellow, and play with ink, which is a national taboo. The safety of the state of affairs must depend on the mastermind of the people, not those who exaggerate, unreasonable sophistry, those who deceive others with vanity and deceive others in order to stand and cripple themselves, thinking that no one can reach them. And in the face of crisis and no one can, this has become a world of ridicule children.

Where to find the ancestral hall of the prime minister...丞相祠堂何處尋……

保重。Take care.

結束。醉能同其樂醒能述以文者End. A man who is drunk with a man who is happy with a man who is awake with a word


第一章結束End of Chapter One

下一章即將開始,“關於說出來的效果”The next chapter is about to begin, \"On the Effects of Speaking Out.\"













